Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Quick post and some pictures

Just some random picks from the last couple weeks:
Sports Day!:

The following was born from a conversation with my friend Will over AIM.

You know when you're doing a puzzle and one of the pieces falls out of the pile and tumbles under the couch? But you don't notice because there are so many other puzzle pieces out of place. So you keep putting the puzzle together until you've got just one empty space left, right in the middle. Not until then are you able to know what's missing. My life is like that puzzle. I didn't know what I was missing until I put all the other pieces together. And now that I've come this far, I've realized that you're the missing piece that fell under the couch. And my life won't be complete until I search under every cushion, through every strand of carpet to find you and bring you back.

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