Sunday, March 15, 2009


It just hit me. It just clicked. It just all came together, moments ago. I have thought, for years, that I am passionless. I have told myself that I'm 80% good at everything, but not 100% good at anything. I've never found an activity that I could see myself doing every day. I have agonized over this thought for a long time, wishing there was a career, a cause, a sport, or something that I could give myself to in order to find meaning in my daily life. And now it's hit me: My passion is for Jesus Christ. I'm not talking about a career, I'm not joining the ministry, I haven't decided to enroll in seminary. I'm talking about passion - a daily living, a daily purpose, a unifying cause which rules over everything, and under which my daily life plays out.

Recently I've been learning how anything I do can be and should be done to the glory of God, and how offering my body as a living sacrifice is how I am to spiritually worship my Creator. I've been learning and hearing new things through sermons and messages from Mars Hill Church in Seattle. I've been reading good books and memorizing scripture. I've been wondering about my career, what kind of a job I should get after the JET Program, and how my calling to be a diplomat is supposed to play out practically and be satisfying. I was worried that I couldn't do it, and I was worried that I wouldn't find joy in it, if and when I got there. But tonight I was reading Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper, and it taken me many days and about 50 pages into the book before that book's specific message suddenly finished the picture, finally tied the last knot on the shoelace that pulled together my vehicle for purposeful motion for the rest of my life.

I've been running with shoes untied for so long, slipping and stumbling, turning my ankle and losing my purpose as it falls off behind me and I go tumbling down some God-forsaken path. The sentence in Piper's book read: "Don't coast through life without a passion." and I had been been doing this, looking for something to focus on, never being satisfied with anything, and feeling all the worse and inadequate for it.

But I see it now! The real and true something. The thing that's not a what, but a look to the whom. It's all for the praise and glory of Jesus, and in this I get the joy and the fullness of life! There are no compartments to my life, and I will not define each aspect of my life on its own merits and its own purpose. I now have the purpose, and therefore anything I do will have purpose because it's done unto Jesus. I am no longer passionless because again, the definition of passion is not found in what I do, but to whom I do it.

This is all very new to me, and I have a lot of thinking to do, and a lot of thoughts that must be mastered by this truth that I have discovered. I simply had to come on and share this tonight because it is going to absolutely revolutionise the way I see my purpose in my career, my job, my family, my hobbies and my daily life.



Zahara said...

What I find behind this post are my own thoughts about what he means in my life.

It's the thought that really living means really giving it up to him, letting go of your control... Saying.. less of me and more of you. (good telecast song).

I seem to have this reoccurring tendency to dwell on things that need fixing and try to figure out how to take care of them myself, depending on what it is it takes a sort or long period of time before I realize I've been holding out on God and that I wasn't really trusting him completely with eveything.

I think the one thing I realized lately is that I'm afraid to be alone and I was fixated on my relationships with other people and letting it control my emotions instead of realizing I have the most amazing person ever with me that will never leave and never let me down.

Knowing that, I feel like hitting myself again for not giving everything in my life up to him sooner... it's tough.

liliana said...

I really like this Luther! What a great reminder! I feel I need to be reminded of this every time, if not everyday. It is easy to put my value on what I do or what I don't do," if I am serving God as I was called to do." But God only wants one thing from us and is to love Him, to be passionate about Him. The rest will come along.

~ More than a call is our love for Him.

Pd: I have been reading your MisAdventures :) It is nice to get to know you more through your writing!