Sunday, June 1, 2008


It's incredible the level of sovereignty I have when staring over a blank page. The world is open to me, and I can take myself anywhere.

Sometimes I sit here, though, and nothing happens. I feel like I want to write, but that anything I put down won't adequately describe my feelings and experiences. So I pack it up.

Other times I sit down and just find myself too tired to type.

I worry a little bit that I'm becoming complacent. That I'm beginning to take things for granted. Then I argue with myself and say that I'm just trying to have a normal life and the fact that I'm not writing about every little thing proves I'm settling in.

But where's the joy in that? I think that if I stop writing I'll become dull.

I biked up into the hills again today. This time by gentsuki. These blue hills are so achingly beautiful. My feelings are often overwhelming as I ride though this land. It makes me want to sit down on the ground and weep. My heart pines for things not yet known as I ride.

I want someone to share this all with. Someone to sit next to and drink in the weight of this heady beauty with. Someone who gets it, silently, and communicates it with one touch of the eyes.


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