Monday, May 26, 2008

I was right. One year in Japan isn't enough. I made up my mind to stay for a second year the second day I was in Japan. I knew that, for good or for bad or for worse, and no matter how I would be feeling come re-contracting time, I needed to stay for at least 2 years. Now I have been here almost 10 months, and things are just starting to pick up.

I had probably my best day yet in Japan today. Again, like my worst day, it's not because of any particular things that happened throughout the day, but because of my mindset. I feel more comfortable in my skin. I have begun to figure out how to relax. I'm getting into a routine. I'm choosing to be more responsible and getting things done.

God's showing me more of the next steps to becoming a diplomat. This is very exciting and very humbling since I have been asking for guidance in this as I fully trust His leading and timing.

It's an exciting time!

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