Monday, October 8, 2007

The God Delusion Commentary Intro

I have realized a few things from reading works from atheist authors like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. These authors do not have an understanding of Christianity, and err in 3 general ways. First they think the Bible is simply a book of moral guidelines or rules and so begin arguing down the wrong path. The law shows us our fallibility. It points out a standard, and then makes us realize that we don't live up to that standard. It reveals our daily sins. The Bible then goes on to say that we need Christ as Savior, and only an identity in Him will make us righteous. Out of thid we are to do good, knowing still hta twe will not act perfectly. The second thing they miss is that Christianity is all about God and nothing about ourselves. What is the greatest commandment? Love the Lord you God. The meaning of life and existance is to bring God glory. The Bible needs to be viewed from through this perspective. Third, they do not take into consideration the forces of good vs. evil. There are 2 forces at work in this world. The hateful and deliberately cruel things that people do are not motivated from a connection to the creator of the universe. I intentionally and unitnetionally am swayed by the spinner of all lies and originator of all sin and evil (the devil). The atheists fail to take Satan into the picture when they are considering the Christian perspective.

All three of these things are essential to understanding the message. There are more, but I felt these were the three big ones that I see atheists continually skipping over when they address Christianity. If someone is going to write a criticism, that's totally fine. But they need to have a proper understanding first of the core theology. Accepting the theology and the Bible or not is completely irrelevant. Simply study the tenets so that you have a legitimate base to argue from.

Romans is a great place to start. Especially the first 8 chapters. Alright, there I will stop, for I will address many more specifics in the next few posts.

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