Saturday, September 29, 2007


Ok- I have to make a correction to the last post (I can't figure out how to edit at the moment, all the headers and instructions are in Japanese because I'm connected to the internet in Japan).

In the last couple lines it should read "Instant Messages" like on AIM or Skype.

Which is a good lead in to the next post I want to write here. It's about writing. Or the reproduction of previously written material. Yesterday I had decided to publish some of my journal entries. Yes, I've been adulturating myself with another medium. And that's the way it should be.

You see, I've been keeping a journal now for almost 10 years. I have about 10 notebooks back home filled with my spontaneous and unbridled writings. I have no structure, no agenda, no commitment or duty to my journal. The very point is that it will never be published and thus I can have no ulterior motive in my method or progress as I meander through subject and thought-stream.

My journal is a place where I dialogue with myself. It's a place where I dialogue with God. I do not censor myself and I have no expectations. It's really more of a way to direct my thought process than to record anything.

So I will not be publishing any journal entries. There are places and times for all kinds of writing: some I will do in songs, some in my blog, some in e-mails or messages or speeches. And of course, my journal. I'll leave it up to future historians to collect my writings and anthologize them for posterity... :-P


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